To earn your members’ only Laconia Passport Sweatshirt, you must collect 23 out of 28 Passport Stamps. To collect a stamp, riders must scan a QR CODE from a Passport Location AND upload a photo from the location with identifying background. Once you have collected the required amount of “I Rode” stamps, you will automatically earn the Passport Stamp “In Laconia, We Ride”. Sweatshirts can be picked up from Rally Headquarters on the Boardwalk of Lakeside Avenue during opening hours from June 10th- June 18th. Sweatshirts must be picked up prior to 3pm on June 18th. In the event we run out of Passport Sweatshirts, riders will receive an Official 100th Anniversary Sweatshirt.
Instructions for Riders | TO PLAY:
Details: Collect 23 Digital Stamps to earn your member’s only, exclusive “I Rode” souvenir shirt! To Register to Play, follow the instructions below:
1. Download the Eventzee app
2. Create an Eventzee account by entering an email address, password and username
3. Enter the Event Code WERIDE
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